Project Acronym: RNYN
EPEKSA participates as partner through its experts in a European-led multidisciplinary network of 42 members to deal
The RNYN project aims at developing a model of comprehension for rural NEETsu2019 social exclusion risk and protective factors based on the bioecological model. It focuses on three specific goals:
(1) upholding future research capability, with an emphasis on Early Stage Researchers (ESR) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC);
(2) creating a rural NEETsu2019 online observatory; and
(3) fostering knowledge use by policy makers and practitioners.
The RNYN work plan will be produced by 4 working groups; it will contribute to define a coherent model for future research, based on an intensive survey of national and cross- national trends regarding rural NEETsu2019 profile and support systems, as well as methodological and intervention best-practices in the field. RNYN added value stems from an eclectic theoretical, disciplinary, institutional and international approach and in upskilling ESR in ITC that are more affected by high rural NEET rates. In the long run,
RNYNu2019s scientific impact will lead to the creation of a rural NEETsu2019 observatory, integrating ESR in a broad multidisciplinary community and strengthening the COST Inclusiveness Policy.
Long-term socio-economic impact is expected to be translated into (in)ternational legislation to tackle rural NEETsu2019 needs and promote sectoral innovations. RNYN is a timely proposal by creating networks/platforms to organize findings, connect critical mass dealing with rural NEETs and build up research capacity. It is also socially relevant, by aiming at informing policies and on-the-ground practices.
Participating Countries: Bulgaria (4), Cyprus (1), Czech Republic (3), Germany (3), Greece (4), Hungary (2), Italy (2), Moldova (3), Poland (3), Portugal (3), Romania (4), Slovakia (3), Slovenia (2), Spain (4), Turkey (1).