A seminar took place in Kielce-Poland on 16th and 17th of April regarding Human Trafficking issues in the frame of the European Project “Kleos – Strengthening skills and networks facing the new THB scenario” which is implemented by five European countries. Sociologist, Eftychia Zarachoviti from the Scientific Society for Social Cohesion and Development- EPEKSA represented the Greek side.
Kleos – Strengthening skills and networks facing the new THB scenario is a 2-year European -AMIF Project and wants to be a bridge between advanced and already consolidated experiences of intervention for the integration of the third country national victims of trafficking and the significant challenges that the pandemic and the war in Ukraine have brought even in this delicate area. Five partners from five European countries, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Poland and Greece, already used to share best practices in the management of THB cases, respond by expanding their action, involving the “frontline” of the current emergency, a regional public institution in Poland, to increase the wealth of skills and experiment with a plurality of interventions that can, in a holistic logic, support: from the emergence of cases, to rehabilitation intervention; from skill-enhancement of specialized cultural mediator to paths of socio-labor integration in host societies; from research on the increased risk of online traffic to the awareness-raising of the frontline stakeholders, and the reviewing of trafficking indicators. In 24 months the project develops three large WPs in chronological sequence:
– Key actors training targeting (new) cultural mediators and former victims to become peer trainers;
-Integration measures for THB victims / groups at risk offering mediators rehabilitation ad adjustment paths;
-THB awareness-raising activities, with an eighth partner competent in digital social engagement, to launch in 5 countries the Stuck in trafficking awareness campaign for professional categories that can intercept the victims (bus drivers, taxi drivers, railway workers, pharmacists, restaurateurs, etc.).
Kleos wants to reach and help at least 700 adult victims, 50 unaccompanied minors, train 50 new operators and raise awareness among up to one million people, building at least 60 strategic collaborations with private and public companies and professional categories. The Project’s Partners participated in the seminar were: 1.AGORÀ SOCIETÀ COOPERATIVA SOCIALE (AGORÀ), Italy, 2. FUNDACION RED INCOLA (RED INCOLA), Spain, 3. WOJEWODZTWO SWIETOKRZYSKIE (UMWS), Poland, 4. CENTRO STUDI MEDI (CS MEDI),Italy, 5. EPISTIMONIKI ETAIREIA GIA TIN KOINONIKI SYNOCHI KAI ANAPTYXI (EPEKSA), Greece, 6. MITTETULUNDUSUHING ELULIIN (ELULIIN), , Estonia, 7. RISE UP COMMUNITY APS (Rise Up), Italy