European Commission, AMIF (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund) AMIF-2018-AG-INTE: Priority-3.Transnational actions for Integration of Third-Country Nationals in the EU Member States and supporting legal migration.
The general objective of this project is to develop structured, organic measures that can effectively promote the integration of third country nationals victims of THB in the host societies, in view of finding durable solutions and preventing re-trafficking. For this purpose we will adopt a holistic and victim-centred approach that offers a continuum of care and support considering above all the gender, age and form of exploitation of beneficiaries.
The choice to involve 5 EU Nations, with a diverse range of local situations, aims at exchanging good practices and useful tools intended to engage institutions, relevant stakeholders and civic society organizations, firstly among the 5 participating countries, secondly replying these practices in other EU countries engaged in the fight against trafficking in human beings. The action plan intend to:
- promote capacity-building of professionals involved in the identification and support of victims of THB, providing a multi-agency and multi-disciplinary training;
- increase awareness of victims of, or at risk from THB to self-assess the risks through awareness-raising meetings and elaboration of a u2018FAQ sheetu2019 made u201cby victims for victimsu201d;
- enhance economic empowerment of women victims of THB offering: language training courses, a process of assessment/ validation of competencies and actions of skills enhancement;
- reduce PTSD symptoms and emotional distress in women victims of THB/sexual exploitation, through NET treatment sessions;
- increase exchange and dissemination of good practices arranging transnational visits and developing specific Guidelines based on the fieldwork experienced in the 5 European contexts.
The expected number of 580 direct beneficiaries, and around 5000 indirect beneficiaries, included those at short, medium and long-term. The number of indirect beneficiaries has the makings of further increase through transferability and dissemination.