Commentary for Erasmus Program “Ensuring Continuity in Education for Refugee in Education”

Project Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Vassilis S. Tsianos, v
Project Coordinator Assistant : Chris Zisis, M.A,

We are more than excited and honored to participate in the implementation of the Erasmus Plus program “Ensuring Continuity in Education for Refugee in Education”. We are confident that the program will fulfill its announced goals in the framework of an intercultural pedagogy, critical anti-racist education, and interdisciplinary dialogue and in accordance with its proclaimed goals. Such goals, as referred in the description of the Program towards European integration, social fairness, equality, tolerance are deemed to be more than present, significant and actual in the European public discourse, especially on the topic of migration/refugees in Europe.

Furthermore, the current state of things, actuality and perpetuation of ‘migration crisis’ in the internal and external borders of the European Union, facts and insurgencies of systemic racism, violence and breech of human rights call for a nuanced, holistic and intercultural approach towards refugees’ normal integration in the multifarious and multicultural societies of and ever evolving Europe. Challenges due to the global pandemic and the inequalities, asymmetries, weaknesses which emerged were more evident for minorities and vulnerable groups, like refugees, refugee minors, and these provocations, difficulties should incite all involved partners, stakeholders, educators in producing critical education knowledge not only for, but with refugees, and/or develop relevant strategies. It is a due demand to develop update, synthesis, reflection and policy recommendations, with the goal to move beyond strategies for migrants’ integration and develop solution-based evidence for policy analysis and policy development of managing migration flows.

The Schleswig-Holstein concept for the integration of refugees includes the following elements: Counseling on topics such as housing, language support, employment, health, education, family,
insurance. To ensure understanding, language mediators are used here as needed. Crisis intervention and accompaniment to medical services, authorities or social institutions: The employees offer trustworthy and expert accompaniment in the event of crises caused by traumatizing refugee experiences, conflicts after arrival in the new environment, intra-family or personal problems, and consult other specialized services if necessary.

Networking and promotion of volunteer support is offered in order to involve the local population at an early stage, opportunities for encounters are created, contacts are established with associations and church communities, and volunteers who are committed to helping asylum seekers are guided and accompanied. Establishment of projects such as volunteer sponsorships, offers for language support, support in accessing the labor market, etc., assistance with housing, supportive services for children.

With all this mind, and taking into account the infrastructure, material and immaterial capabilities of our applied social sciences school in Kiel, but also Kiel’s neighboring vicinity with global metropolitan centers, like Hamburg can be deemed valuable for project meetings and fieldwork with various stakeholders and actors within the migration research discourse and related infrastructures. All in all, we are more than confident that we will achieve the aforementioned education and social goals of the Program, always in an open, critical dialogue and self-reflexive
collaboration with our experienced partners from Greece, and Italy.

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